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new moon

Your Result: New Moon

You are precise as a silver needle, quiet and determined. You see potential for creation where others see nothing at all and develop plans with astounding intricacy. Though you may not see your desired results just yet, the force of your will is powerful in its silent specificity. You were made for new beginnings.

What phase of the moon are you?
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autumn leaves

Your Result: late autumn

the first word that comes to mind is: mysterious. you’re probably the coolest one in your entire friend group, let’s be honest. you seem like the type of person that knows how to accessorize perfectly (or absolutely has no clue but still looks good regardless) you seem very in touch with your own surroundings and your friends tend to look to you for advice. you remind me of the chocolatey browns and deep purples of a night sky that is speckled with gold and silver stars, the sound of leaves crunching under leather boots, and the smell of coffee brewing.

what season are you?
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weeping willow

Your Result: in the shadow of a weeping willow

you sit with your back against the tree - it is cool and refreshing. are you sitting here because you find it comforting or because the light is too bright to bear? do you belong to yourself or are you afraid? watching from afar gives us comfort, but it also creates distance. both beauty and terror are only vague shapes until you get up close. there is a reason for you to be here - whether it be a need for space or a desire for solitude. just remember: no feeling is final and the world around you is ever-changing.

your mind is a garden - where can you be found?
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Your Result: yew

And the tree that spoken to you was a yew. With hair full of red beads, it looked at you and laughed. "My child," it said. "You are so strong, you are so perfect. But when was the last time you allowed yourself to enjoy the moment? Your years in this world are finite, and you really plan on chasing what's unchaseable? You have a gift, but to use that gift you need times when you remember, what your gift is." And with that you knew that sometimes work can wait and you can enjoy all the little moments of your life.

you go to the forest and start a ritual with one simple purpose:
learning which tree language do you speak

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Your Result: Datura

An extremely poisonous vespertine (night-blooming) flower. Associated with the moon. Pensive, intuitive, and reserved. Maintaining your agency is deeply important to you, but you still enjoy the company of close friends. Those fortunate enough to gain your trust will be rewarded with your wit and long nights of passionate conversation. Your social reserves are limited, though. Your interests or hobbies may be a little unorthodox... perhaps you enjoy something particularly complicated? You love giving your mind a decent meal, after all.

Which flower are you?
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what's your inner flower?

[c] sugardew


You Are A Lily
You are a nurturer and all around natural therapist.
People see you as their rock. And they are able to depend on you.
You are a soothing influence. You can make people feel better with a few words.
Your caring has more of an impact than even you realize.


You are most like a Fox, with some Owl in you.

The fox is largely misunderstood to be a shy, retreating individual. Because it cannot succeed in the world using brute force alone, it must rely on its sharp mind and engaging personality to garner resources, and it consequently spends a lot of time in its head. The fox tempers its serious nature with a sardonic sense of humor and engaging playfulness while interacting with its eclectic community. It expects others to be as honest about their strengths and shortcomings as it is of its own. While these high expectations don't make the fox a snob, it expects its friends to first demonstrate their worthiness before returning the favor with loyalty and devotion. Its great curiosity and worldly experience makes it a wonderful conversationalist and it's able to hold forth on a number of different topics with ease. Sometimes, however, the fox will view a conversation as a competitive challenge, which proves to be off-putting and annoying to its companions.


scrunkle fox

Your Result: Fox

Foxes can be real tricksters! They like to crack jokes, and they tell stories that leave you asking questions they only ever answer cryptically. Underneath all that cleverness though, foxes are brave and industrious. They’re good at thinking on their feet. A fox would have bonded with you because you're willing to put real effort into projects and you persevere when things get difficult. You're also creative, experimental-- you enjoy trying new things and taking some risks. And perhaps most importantly, you also have a good sense of humor, which a fox values in all their friends. Together, the two of you are some of the most famed prophets of your age. Are your prophecies always intelligible? Who’s to say. What riddle is a riddle if it’s clear?

If you were a witch from pseudo-medieval times, which animal would be your familiar?
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Razorblade Twinkies

Your Result: Grey Fox

Your daemon would take the form of a grey fox! You are a private and peaceful individual with an independent sense of curiosity. More so than others with fox daemons, those with grey foxes are more passive; they are anxious people who avoid confrontations at all costs. Though generally honest, they are willing to lie to get themselves out of a tight spot, and overall they are happiest when they can keep their quick mind busy.

What animal form would your daemon take?
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frost dragon

Your Result: The kind haunted by frost.

You live in a world of icy walls and bitter snows. Very few know the way to your domain, let alone how to even survive. Maybe you were born into this world, maybe you wandered as you ran from your fears. It's okay to have walls that protect you from harm. It's safe to have them. But be careful, the thicker they are the harder it will be for you to happy again. Let someone come with a chisel and find their way in. You are stronger than you know and you can scare away those who seek to harm, but those who seek to love will always appreciate your protection and care. You are ice, sharp and dangerous but also pretty and peaceful. Own up to that and all will fall into its place.

What Kind of Dragon Are You
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Ice Imperial

Your Result: Ice Imperial.

Ah, my child, you could be none other than an Imperial! These giant dragons are known for their devotion and thoughtfulness, though many also consider them distant and perfectionistic. An Imperial from the Ice Flight is a very special individual indeed! They are more analytical and cold than their fellow Imperials. Perhaps you will find your home among the Southern Icefield beneath the Icewarden, drawn to fossils and artifacts - or perhaps somewhere else in Sorneith beckons to you. Your destiny is your own: spread your wings and embrace it.

What Kind of Dragon Are You
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A WHITE Dragon Lies Beneath!
My inner dragon color is WHITE. Click here to try the Quiz!
My inner dragon is one of two harmonious dragons (the other is Black). On the inside I am the perfect example of balance, patience, power, and reclusive intelligence. Evil-doers beware; my breath weapon is a combination of fire and lightning. Even the nicest dragons can do some serious damage. Click the image to try the Inner Dragon Online Quiz for yourself.

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