my dream journal School Pencil

13 Nov 22

One day Candela vanished without a trace; despite rescue teams ceasing their searches and authorities pursuing other avenues and cases after a month, Manel carried on, actively searching for her by day and reviewing his GoPro footage for any trace of her by night. He ended up finding her in the forest, injured and emaciated, with both of them calling out each other's names. Unfortunately, she succumbed to her injuries and passed just as he reached her. Except... the dream was presented in the form of an exploitative trauma- and drama-obsessive "true crime" YouTuber proving that Manel had, in his guilt over not being able to save Candela, spliced audio from a different recording over the footage of him finding her already-deceased body, with unethical and borderline fetishistic focus on the state of Candela's body in order to "prove" that she was already deceased.

24 Oct 22

Geddy Lee was hit by a bus.

02 Oct 22

My grandmother's cats had kittens together. Some of the kittens were spiders.

29 Sept 22

My cat caught a magpie in the house, breaking one of its wings. I was trying to save it, yet could not reach its hiding spot.

19 Aug 22

My collaborator and I waged an attack upon the empire's monarchs during the annual festival, alternating between giving the gueses the customary laughing powder-laced drinks, sedatives, and poison within a forty-five minute timeframe. To make our schemes less obvious, said collaborator and I also consumed the laced concoctions—though my mixture was far stronger, leaving me teetering at the edge of unconsciousness, with scarcely enough awareness to register that the king's nephew, the Eternal Springald Prince, had survived the attempt upon his life (which one would normally attribute to his unspoken vampirism were it not for the fact that the poison itself were crafted from the root of the region's most holy of plants). After my recovery, I was tasked with poisoning the now-Regent; as I gave him said poison, I fully assured him that I was only giving him a sleeping tincture. The Regent responded by informing me that my near-death was an attempt upon my own life by my co-conspirator, and that he would simply end my life himself were it not for the paralysis from which his vampirine condition was supposed to save him.

12 Jul 22

This school, which appears in my dreams far less often than I would like, has seating not unlike an anatomical theatre in its planetarium basement and winding staff's corridors of white brick, indistinct and involuted to those not perceptive enough to take note of the innocuous locks and spyholes that let one know where they are in relation to where they have been, full of hidden buttons which need be pressed and pulleys which must be raised or lowered before one opens the trapdoor leading to the tallest cupola, whereupon they will discover an intricate replica of the sprawling campus carved into the rearward wall, with the "broken" clock on its highest-reaching tower which must in turn be set to just the correct time to discover the—

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